Monday, February 4, 2008

Christmas Delivery

We had fun making IceCream for friends this Christmas.
We made 3 kinds: Peppermint, Dulce de Leche & Rocky Road.
Jon did the design, of course.
The best was delivering all of the stuff. :)
Merry Christmas Amigos!


Sabrina said...

I think you forgot to add us onto the "who gets ice cream list". Hee hee. Great design Jon(I wish I had half the artistic skills you have in your pinky finger) and I can only imagine how scrumptious the ice cream must have been(I wish I had half the cooking skills you have in your pinky finger Monica).

The Waisath's said...

Monica, that is AWESOME. I'm not complaining about the Graeters, but would've loved some of your homemade brew. Impressive I must say. And now I know what Karsten was looking at that said Dulce de Leche...It was so zoomed I didn't see Pratt.