Tuesday, June 12, 2007

NOT Jon's Blog

This blog is NOT Jon's blog!

Because of this you can expect:
1. Imperfect/poor photos.
2. Poor speling. (teaching beginning writers will really mess you up in this dept.)
3. Poor design.
4. Lack of all creativity.
5. No cool FLASH effects.
6. Any pressue to make this super great - you only have that pressure when you're a finicky artist.

In the mean time, Jon's telling me.....
"This is your first post, so make it good."

As it turns out - I might actually have some pressure after all.


JT said...

Not to bad Moni. Your qiute the Blogger.

Cute family.

That Baby Boy is just beautiful.!

jongibson1 said...

I am so proud of Moni for making this blog. Even though this is not my blog I am honored that she would think of me when naming it - so, in a way this is Jon's blog.

Lambsdale Cottage said...

It's hard to be married to Jon I am sure. I love the blog and find it to be much more aesthetically pleasing than anything put out by Alexander the Great.